yearly transit report astrology

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People in authority or power will possibly be very helpful to you now; there may be someone whod like to see you get ahead in life. June 18, 2014 June 19, 2014, strongest around June 19, 2014, Transiting Venus is Trine your Natal Saturn. July 25, 2014 July 26, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Sextile Progressed Sun, July 26, 2014 July 27, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Conjunct Progressed Midheaven, July 26, 2014 July 27, 2014, strongest around July 26, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Trine Progressed Moon, July 28, 2014 July 30, 2014, strongest around July 29, 2014, Transiting Sun is Trine Progressed Venus, July 28, 2014 July 29, 2014, strongest around July 29, 2014, Transiting Mercury is Opposition your Natal Saturn. During this transit you wont take kindly to having your independence and freedom challenged. July 13, 2014 July 18, 2014, strongest around July 15, 2014, Transiting Mars is Square your Natal Saturn. December 27, 2013 December 28, 2013, strongest around December 27, 2013, Transiting Mercury is Square Progressed Venus. This is a good period for getting things done, because you have a good self-discipline and a sense for what is practically achievable. The company of women is extremely well-favored at the moment. During this period you can expect relations with your family to be good, or to improve if improvement is needed. Positively, this transit has the potential to transform your approach to love and relationships. By default, Kristen sends report orders to the email address associated with Paypal. There is a lot you can achieve for yourself and others, by gathering the best and right people around you. Your sun sign is Gemini. A passionate nature. Equally, the words or ideas of others can influence you more than usual. You can make a favorable impression on influential people now. This could be a good time to change jobs or apply for a new job, especially in areas related to communication, computing, language, commerce or law. This transit can make for a pleasant and easygoing interval. Your friends or allies are likely to play a more important role in your life at this time. Buying and selling property is often successful with this transit, providing you dont over-extend yourself financially.

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