where the crawdads sing ending discussion

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My thought was her dad was lonely too, so maybe taking Kya fishing would fill the gap of all the other kids that left. But when Chases body was found, the necklace was missing. It just seemed so logical, but I was wrong. Purchasing What about by the ending of the novel? Kya was found not guilty of Chases murder and was able to walk away with her freedom. Just doesnt seem like her. It didnt make sense to me. . For a while, it seemed as though Kyas father would remain in the marsh with her, if only because he didnt have anywhere else to go. She was given an honorary doctoral degree from UNC but never accepted invitations to speak. Do you agree with Kyas secrecy? Was it the right decision? Furthermore, the night that Chase Andrews (Harris Dickinson) was murdered was the one night that Kya was out of town. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. How different would her life be if she went to school? Here's the Where the Crawdads Sing ending explained. After all the mourners had left, Tate walked to Kyas studio and labeled the samples she hadnt gotten to yet. I can understand why her Ma left, but she must have been in a very bad place to not take her kids with her. When Delia Owens was a child, her mother used to encourage her to spend as much time as possible exploring nature, urging her to go way out to where the crawdads singsomething that Kyas mother also tells her in the novel. 20% Please tick this box to indicate that youre 13 or over. The land had raised her, and it was as much a fabric of her life as anything humans could provide. Where the Crawdads Sing: Questions and Answers (Spoilers, Ending, Etc.) Do you think its plausible for Kya to raise herself at such a young age? Thinking of never seeing her beautiful marsh again made her feel more alone than before. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Start Free Trial Summary Chapter Summaries Questions & Answers Themes Characters Analysis Quotes Where the Crawdads Sing Questions and Answers Identify. During her trial, Tom Milton explained that Kya wasnt even in town when he was killed. 5. PDF downloads of all 1725 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. ", Personality Crisis: One Night Only Finds Punk Pioneer David Johansen Recounting His Many Lives, Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Legacy of J Dilla' on FX/Hulu, Exploring The Life, Beats, And Career Of The Late Hip-Hop Hero, Stream It Or Skip It: Little Richard: I Am Everything on VOD, A Biodoc As Vibrant As Its Subject, Stream It Or Skip It: Dear Mama on FX, A Powerfully-Told Docuseries About The Life and Legacy of Tupac Shakur, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Peter Pan and Wendy' on Disney+, Director David Lowery's Lightly Visionary Disney Rehash, Where Was Peter Pan and Wendy Filmed? She decided to not go back. How did you feel about Kyas and Chase relationship? You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Did it impact your reading enjoyment? Do you agree with Jumpins decision to protect Kya from social services (p. 110) and to encourage her to live alone in the marsh?

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