Our confessional culture obeys a cult of therapeutic openness. He even stated that being with others was wearisome and dissipating, and that he never found a companion as great as solitude itself. Computer science is a tough subject. Students barely have time to read. Thoreau is helped by It is more of a state of mind than Unlike Hester and Sethe, the societal norms Thoreau experiences are not painful punishments or dehumanizing treatment. Urban solitude in the US is explored in a book of idiosyncratic popular philosophy from the 1930s (Powys). One of them, Eustace Conway, has been exalted by Elizabeth Gilberts The Last American Man (2002). It is more of a state of mind than something real. People around by other people would feel more loneliness than people who are physically alone. Television. Are your grades inconsistent? He believes that with independence, one can find oneself. Loneliness is ironically battled but also enhanced by new technology. Revisions are free of charge. It is more of a state of mind than The Latin deliberare means consider carefully, consult, literally weigh well. But etymology also hints at the fact that liberare, from librare meaning to balance, make level, may have been altered by the influence of liberare to free, liberate (Harper). Stefan Hippler is Assistant Professor of American Studies at the University of Wrzburg, Germany. We do not want you to miss any points due to late submission. ; F. Ferguson, Malthus and, Acknowledgments (Ina Bergmann / Stefan Hippler), Cultures of Solitude: Reflections on Loneliness, Limitation, and Liberation in the US (Ina Bergmann), II Early Solitude: Language, Body, and Gender, Alone, Without a Guide: Solitude as a Literary and Cultural Paradox (Svend Erik Larsen ), The Enigmatic and the Ecological: American Late Enlightenment Hermits and the Pursuit of, in Addition to Happiness, Permanence (Kevin L. Cope), The Luxury of Solitude: Conduct, Domestic Deliberation, and the Eighteenth-Century Female Recluse (Coby Dowdell ), III Solitude in the Nineteenth Century: Gender, Politics, and Poetics, Away to Solitude, to Freedom, to Desolation!: Hermits and Recluses in Julia Ward Howes The Hermaphrodite (Ina Bergmann), Thoreau and the Landscapes of Solitude: Painted Epiphanies in Undomesticated Nature (Margaretta M. Lovell), The World to Each Other: The Joint Politics of Isolation and Reform among Garrisonian Abolitionists (Hlne Quanquin), IV Solitude from the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century: Society, Spirituality, and Religion, Three Types of Deep Solitude: Religious Quests, Aesthetic Retreats, and Withdrawals due to Personal Distress (Ira J. Cohen ), American Lonesome: Our Native Sense of Otherness (Kevin Lewis), V Solitude in the Twentieth Century: Space, Gender, and Ethnicity, Mind Is the Cabin: Substance and Success in Post-Thoreauvian Second Homes (Randall Roorda ), Socially Constructed Selfhood: Emily Dickinson in Full-Cast and Single-Actor Plays (Nassim Winnie Balestrini), Changing Cultures of Solitude: Reclusiveness in Sandra Cisneross The House on Mango Street (Jochen Achilles), VI Solitude from the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century: Space, Identity, and Pathology, Its What We Have in Common, This Aloneness: Solitude, Communality, and the Self in the Writing of David Foster Wallace (Clare Hayes-Brady), Alone in the Crowd: Urban Recluses in US-American Film (Rdiger Heinze ), VII Solitude Today: Technology, Community, and Identity, Solitude in the Digital Age: Privacy, Aloneness, and Withdrawal in Dave Eggerss The Circle (Stefan Hippler), Going Away to the Wilderness for Solitude and Community: Ecoambiguity, the Engaged Pastoral, and the Semester in the Wild Experience (Scott Slovic ), Should We Be Left Alone?
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