what can go in green waste bin geelong

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Can You Put Scrap Wood In The Green Waste Bin? Your black/general waste bin is for any waste that doesn't belong in the rest of your containers. Please do not put any of the following items in your green bin: Food waste including meat, fruit, vegetables and egg shells*. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. with No Touch Sanitation The green waste is then used at farms, grocery stores, plant nurseries, and anywhere else they grow plants. Insulation. If you are worried about odours, particularly from seafood scraps, you can wrap them up in newspaper and store in your freezer until the night before your bin goes out. When you think about it, the main goal of recycling is to achieve a circular economy. Information and guidance on what you can and can't recycle. - Ashford These should not be put in your green bin or liner because they can't be dealt with at the recycling plant: batteries; bagged waste or plastic carrier bags; clothing and textiles; drinks cartons (Tetrapak) foil/foil trays; food waste; garden waste and wood; gas cannisters; glass; nappies; plastic film or cling film; polystyrene including foam . When there are a lot of things to keep inside a green waste bin, you should not take it that easier. Please keep reading as I will share enough information to help you understand what really goes in a green waste bin. Sign up to one of our email newsletters and get updates delivered straight to your inbox on the topics that interest you. Can I put bio-degradable sacks into my green bin? Recycling old books by putting them in book recycling bins is a popular way to recycle books, including textbooks. Firstly, you may be wondering which colour is used for the general waste bin. by Craig Pryce We are locally owned and operated skip bin hire buisness in the Geelong, Surf . Any items that can go into your recycling bins i.e. It is a serious problem because of the way the landfill has to be managed. Just remember the scraps must be loose and not contained in packaging (paper, plastic or glass). Can't find what you're looking for? This costs less and is better for the environment. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Bins will only be emptied on the days shown on your collection calendars. Our Family Plus monthly plan thats most suited to the average Irish household, with more allowance for general waste.

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