___Continual struggling without ever conquering or overcoming, ___Apathy or depression; suicidal thoughts, ___Difficulty praying and worshipping God. In past studies I had been aware of the oracle of Delphi through writings of Manly T. Hall, and from other past studies I was able to associate this with a mocking of the Arc of the Covenant. Although we can learn about how prophecy and spiritual gifts function, it is dangerous to think that we can learn how to prophesy of our own initiative. Thanks Helen, for this glorious prophecy. You shall overcome every way the enemy has tried to rob you of Gods best.[2]. The python spirits agenda is to make us ineffective in the Kingdom of God. WebDescription of the Python. On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor Greg Laurie that left Laurie in disbelief. Know that where that enemy once contended for your breath, you are loosed! Give me eyes to see the tactics of the evil one. Whereas the High Priest would take a matter before God, the high priestess of the Oracle of Delphi would sit upon the oracle itself on a tripod over the snake/dragon pit. http://qodeshministries.co.za/SPIRIT%20OF%20PYTHON.pdf. f) Constricting, tightening and shutting down. This is the power of gracethat when we dont have the strength to act or speak, we can cry to Him in Jesus Name and He hears us. If you have respiratory problems, python is involved. Your Father says. Surely, there are some bondages that you have experienced in this year that must not make it into your 2016. Lets look at Pauls encounter with the python spirit. An overall sense of weariness for which there seems to be no natural cause, You are breathing out giving a lot to others but feel as though the flow to you personally has been stifled, You are experiencing pressure, or oppression, You identify with feeling limited, or held back, whether personally or in relationships, work, ministry and so on, You are being tempted to give up because you have lost energy, physically, emotionally, spiritually, You are being assailed with thoughts that you must pull back because you cannot sustain the course you are meant to be on. They attack where the light of In contrast, New Testament prophecy is not self-induced; in other words, it does not come forth at the initiative of the person prophesying. Whatevers been in your family from years and years, whatever you have been forgiven of whatever youve renounced and whatever the Lord has given you grace to overcome, you now have authority there. It has remarkable evil qualities. You may also search for a particular topic in the search box at the top right. I did, but when I surveyed it, I felt not ready for what it entails and its not really what I needed to propel my ministry and calling forward. Hello, Helen! Thank you for sharing this word. I Cor 2:6g) Prophets and prophetic people can hear God and can hear His revelation. Python is a water spirit and is the master of witchcraft. Breathe in! A sister in Christ.