polyurethane foam, when burned gives off

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Further fragmentation of these molecules led to the production of HCN, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile and a range of olefinic fragments. That smell comes from volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, chemicals used in the mattress manufacturing process. This makes foam mattresses very harmful. Michal (1982) reported a similar trend at a fixed air flow rate. When a liquid fuel gives off enough vapors so that it can be . Table1 shows the relative reactivity of isocyanates with nucleophiles at 25C without the presence of a catalyst. Toxic product yields frommaterials involved in fires depend on a number of factors. Based on this data, the HCN recovery fraction was calculated for both materials. Instead polyureas were detected in the vapour phase and also in the condensed phase as a waxy, insoluble white substance. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Interflam Conference Proceedings. The test room was with a door (dimensions not specified) and a 1 to 2kg slab of foam in the centre of the room. For any larger fire there will always be a significant yield of CO, HCN (from nitrogen containing materials), hydrocarbons and smoke. The authors presented a large set of data for all of the test methods, including a range of test conditions, air flow rates, oxygen concentration, and mass loadings. Relation of LC Very few authors have assessed the yields of isocyanates produced during the flaming combustion of polyurethane foams and as such there is a limited amount of data available. CO and HCN are the main asphyxiants produced during the combustion of polyurethanes and there have been a large number of studies published regarding their yields. A more recent review, by Levchik and Weil (2004), assessed the decomposition, combustion and fire-retardancy of polyurethanes. Babrauskas et al. Busker RW, Hammer AH, Kuijpers WC, Poot CAJ, Bergers WWA, Bruijnzeel, PLB (1999) Toxicity testing of combustion products of polyurethane and polyvinylchloride. The reactivity of isocyanates with the various functional groups commonly present in the production of polyurethanes is dependent on both the steric and electronic factors of the R-group, and also the specific functional group the isocyanate is reacting with. Based on the available literature, the non-flaming decomposition of both rigid and flexible polyurethane foams, in both air and nitrogen, can be generalised into a number of key steps (Fig. Levin BC, Fowell AJ, Birky MM, Paabo M, Stolte A, Malek D (1982) Further development of a test method for the assessment of the acute inhalation toxicity of combustion products. Progressive changes in the composition of a static specimen (for example due to char formation) provide additional complexity. 2008; Kaplan 1987b). In a letter to the editor of the journal, Barbrauskas et al. Sub-ambient differential distillation of the remaining residue yielded a range of short-chain aldehydes (such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde), ketones, alkenes and high molar mass polyol fragments. Similarly, well-ventilated fires are generally small, and of low toxicity. The difference in the decomposition of rigid and flexible polyurethane foams was investigated by Chun et al. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 63:p4774, Rein G, Lautenberger C, Fernandez-Pell AC (2006) Application of Genetic Alogorithms and Thermogravimetry to Determine the Kinetics of Polyurethane Foam in Smoldering Combustion. This char can decompose further, leaving behind a residue at >800C, to produce simple organic fragments and some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

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