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I had known I was different since I was six, but didn't know how and anyway, "different" meant "bad" to so many people. Read Story Paula Stone Williams from Lyons, Colo. Pastoral Counselor. They are the most at risk group in the nation. The church exists to do life and search for meaning together. Everyone with whom I was close, including Cathy, knew it was no longer sustainable for me to remain living as Paul. "This was before Caitlyn Jenner or 'Transparent.' Even with the loss of my family, you know what, I'm very happy and accepted who I have become. I'm still a die-hard optimist about what the future of transgender inclusion will look like for future generations. From Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan, 3:07 pm on 9 May 2018. The kind of people I have in my life nowadays are astonished that such a thing could have happened. In June of 2012, after being prompted to address my unorthodox take on male grooming standards, I became the first openly transgender correctional officer at San Quentin State Prison. Recently, a friend woefully told me that she is terrified we wont be friends after I transition because boys never want to be friends with her. Thanks Longmont Times-Call. Paula Stone Williams is a Pastoral Counselor and internationally known speaker on gender equity, LGBTQ advocacy, and religious tolerance. Perhaps part of the beauty of being both a scientist and a human being is admitting that at times there are facts that cannot be disproven. Our moms both had to grieve the loss of a child. I drank beer with guys and pretended to be a good 'ol boy. Today I am free of the person I was, in order to be the person I so desperately needed to be. Paula went on to attend Kentucky Christian University and, in her senior year, to marry the woman she loved, Cathy. The existential anxiety would return to me in Hawaii as surely as it does in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. But I also know I had little choice but to transition. They are not safe environments for a transgender person. Individuals come together and miracles happen. no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. In a way coming out as a gender neutral, non-binary trans person was more than just claiming who I am, it was also about coming out as one of two twins. Whenever I wrote essays, short stories--now comments--and people don't know my sex they ALWAYS assume that I am a male. Please click here to learn how. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. stays there, inside the dishes and in the glasses, so that his children have to go far out into the world.

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