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"We consider this a private matter between the family and the BMZ church family. communication between the staff and Olivets leadership and improves our effectiveness and follow-through. John 20:30-31, John 21:1. Worship Through the Storm. Sunday Bible Classes | 9am. John 2: 10 (1-11) With a faith rooted and grounded in the Word of God, he desires to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the R.E.A.L. John 11:21-23, Joel 2:25-28, Denomination: In Global Outreach, we serve EBC by equipping and mobilizing church members to make disciples of Jesus Christ and multiply churches among all nations. . Pastor Craig Oliver - A Fresh Start - YouTube In this message, were learning how to have relationships that last. Whoever finds God, finds life. #breaking #holdingpattern #fear #anxiety #preaching #airplane #swimmingCraig OliverBREAKING THE HOLDING PATTERN.FEARAs Senior Pastor of Elizabeth Baptist Church, Dr. Craig L. Olivers passionate yet pedagogic approach to preaching touches the hearts, fortifies the spirits and transforms the minds of believers and non-believers across the world. Make sure to download the YouVersion Bible App and then click on . In this message, were learning how to seek healing from trauma. All Rights Reserved. The spiritual message of Jesus first miracle is that the Savior is the best that God has to offer mankind. Learn from our successesand failuresin ministry with . Free Sermons By Pastor Craig K. Bostian - Angelfire Pastor V. P. Oliver He served churches in Oklahoma, Illinois, and Kentucky prior to his move to Coral Springs, FL . SUBSCRIBE to our our Websitewww.videos4christ.comOnline Store Rollins About UsOne of the most amazing things about the Internet, is being able to share Gods message to people all over the world with just the click of a mouse. contact Campus Pastor Justin Stapel for opportunities to connect.

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