newberg school board decision

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The board is also expected to discuss challenging the state's mask mandate at their next meeting. Boothby says she organized the protest because when she attended Newberg High School she didnt always feel welcome as a gay student. "These symbols arent hurting anyone and I dont see why banning them is necessary," said Pea. We will be losing a leader who has pulled us out of financial ruin, who has rebuilt community, who has rebuilt relationships, she said. In the board packet for Tuesday's school board meeting, one agenda item was to address Morelock's response to a Newberg citizen's complaint about a sign in the window of a classroom at Dundee Elementary. The new dynamic has allowed the conservative board members to pass motions that the previous board neither permitted nor passed. They should be able to wear their shirts and signs that say Black Lives Matter and Asian Lives Matter and whatever else. One is expected soon. Brown, the board chair, seemed unaware of the details of the complaint, despite its inclusion in the board packet. Removing Superintendent Morelock from his post is part of a troubling national trend of extremist school boards ousting experienced, valuable school leaders, which is detrimental to the students they are supposed to serve. A staff member at Mabel Rush Elementary School, identified as Lauren Pefferle, showed up to work this month dressed as Rosa Parks with her face darkened with dye to protest a vaccination mandate for all public school employees in Oregon. Individual leaders who have voiced concerns with this policy include the Mayor of Newberg and the President of George Fox University; both of these leaders issued a harsh rebuke of those who classify school as an inappropriate place for discussing contentious issues. Those in favor did not explain their decision. The district will likely need an interim superintendent as the school year continues. "Anti-free speech, anti-free expression, anti-safety.". Citizens are encouraged to express their ideas, concerns and judgments through communication with District staff and Board members. The initial board conversations about the policy centered around banning Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ Pride flags. On Wednesday morning, KGW spoke to Heidi Pender, whose daughter is a freshman at Newberg High School. In Newberg, four of the seven board members voted to fire Morelock, who was under contract through June 2024. Newberg School District board member Rebecca Piros said she can no longer work with people who she feels do not have the best interests of every student and every staff member at heart, KGW-TV reported . Morelock had been superintendent for two years and was under contract through June. Comments submitted via email, that are intended to be read aloud by the superintendent (or designee), need to be sent to [email protected] no later than 4:00 pm the Monday prior to regular session. I continue to stand with parents, students of color, LGBTQ students, and all members of the community who have courageously continued to speak out against the school boards unacceptable actions. Screenshot taken from YouTube. The board voted to table that item during Tuesday's meeting.

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