nagios check_ping define service

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If not, youll get an error. Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. "host_name !zlinux_hostname". Increased server, services, and application availability, Fast detection of network outages and protocol failures. since there is no predefined argument to specify the port, like --port=$ARG1$ in the definition, but only a generic place holder. How can I control PNP and NPN transistors together from one pin? Add a new host definition for the switch that you're going to monitor. If you want to ensure that a specific port/interface on the switch is in an up state, you could add a service definition like this: In the example above, the "-o ifOperStatus.1" refers to the OID for the operational status of port 1 on the switch. In your ping service definition use e.g. To me, this is not an ideal solution, as we could end up having to make many exceptions and this seems like it would be tough to maintain. Set up a hostgroup cfg file with the checks in it. Monitoring Using the Telemetry Service", Expand section "3. However, one server runs with much less free space than the norm. There should be no reference to /usr/bin/ping in that output, even when failing. If the host responds to the ping, then it is 'OK'. Nagios: config ping times - Stack Overflow What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? This means if the check_ping does not get a result in 10 seconds, the command will timeout. But it doesn't identify that as the port. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. How To Monitor Network Switch and Ports Using Nagios - The Geek Stuff An example command definition that redirects service check performance data to a text file for later processing by another application is shown below: Tip: This method, while flexible, comes with a relatively high CPU overhead. I am using nagios ver. Ensure that Nagios is started automatically when the system boots: Check your Nagios access by using the following URL in your browser, and using the nagiosadmin user and the password that was set in Step 2: If the Nagios URL cannot be accessed, ensure your firewall rules have been set up correctly. Unfortunately, my host checks are failing (although my service checks are working perfectly fine). The state information delivers "Usage: " which is an indicator that the parameters are wrong. They are: To make your life a bit easier, a few configuration tasks have already been done for you: The above-mentioned config files can be found in the /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/ directory. My linux box uses a nonstandard port for ssh. Database as a Service (trove) Log Files, 1.1.7.

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