Explosive material shall be transported without undue delay to the storage area or blast site. (4) Category IV applies to mines in which noncombustible ore is extracted and which liberate a concentration of methane that is not explosive nor capable of forming explosive mixtures with air based on the history of the mine or the geological area in which the mine is located. PDF Title 62: Mining Chapter I: Department of Natural Resources Part 230 57.22225 Auxiliary equipment stations (I-C mines). (b) Underground belt conveyors shall be equipped with a detection system capable of automatically stopping the drive pulley if slippage could cause ignition of the belt. This provision does not apply to trainmen, brakemen, and car droppers who are required to get on or off slowly moving trains in the performance of their work duties. (3) The mine operator must provide a confidential medical evaluation by a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP), at no cost to the miner, to determine the miner's ability to use a respirator before the miner is required to be fit tested or to use a respirator at the mine. The operating mechanism of the clutch of every man-hoist drum shall be provided with a locking mechanism, or interlocked electrically or mechanically with the brake to prevent accidental withdrawal of the clutch. Category V is divided into Subcategories V-A and V-B as follows: (i) Subcategory V-A applies to petroleum mines that operate entirely or partially within an oil reservoir; and all other petroleum mines in which, (ii) Subcategory V-B applies to petroleum mines that operate outside of and drill into an oil reservoir and in which. (3) Where a mine has been classified in Categories I through V after the effective date of these standards and category reassignment is being considered, the mine shall comply with the standards applicable to the category to which presently assigned until category placement is final. 57.19007 Overtravel and overspeed devices. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Seat belts shall be maintained in functional condition, and replaced when necessary to assure proper performance. (b) The mine operator or representative of miners may obtain review of the Administrator's determination by filing a request for a hearing with the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, Mine Safety and Health Administration, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 222025452 within 30 days of the Administrator's determination. 57.19066 Maximum riders in a conveyance. (5) Cover or bulkhead the opening immediately below and adjacent to the activity with noncombustible material to prevent sparks or hot metal from falling down the shaft, raise, or winze. Flash point. Water or neutralizing agents shall be available where corrosive chemicals or other harmful substances are stored, handled, or used. Tests for methane shall be made at electric auxiliary fans before they are started. (c) This standard does not apply to air tuggers of 10 horsepower or less that have only one cable and one drum. (B) An ignition of methane has not occurred. 3, 2006]. 57.18028 Mine emergency and self-rescuer training. Service of the Administrator's determination is complete upon mailing by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Any person responsible for receiving or giving signals for cages, skips, and mantrips when persons or materials are being transported shall be familiar with the posted signaling code. L. 91173 as amended by Pub. If used as an alternative, reversal of mechanical ventilation shall.
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