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He brought high standards, manuel was the backbone through at least two or three generations of leadership that enabled CNN to become as respected for its digital journalism as it was for its television news. thesaurus. Noun. You can complete the list of synonyms of backbone given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Browse the use examples 'moral ballpark' in the great English corpus. squeaky-clean. synonyms. . opensubtitles2, You're left with one witness, maybe a perjurer and the other one who has the, The way I look at it, the world couldn't survive without my comedy, and who's going to have the, The way I look at it, the world couldn' t survive without my comedy, and who' s going to have the, The way I look at it, the world couldn' t survive without my comedy, and who' s going to have the, As for the Commission, you certainly have good intentions and there are good people in the Commission, including Olli Rehn, who is Finnish, and who is a, How could I eliminate the unions, when they and the social movements are the, Today, it should unite us for positive change in the consolidation of values, such as human rights, democracy, social justice, and development, which constitute the, During the Winter War (30 November 19393 March 1940) Kallio served as a morale booster and, As hard as it is for us to accept in this 21st century techno-culture, this country and its, "Many members of Spain's establishment still fiercely defended Franco's conservative doctrine, especially his view of Catholicism as a ""state religion"" and. The code for attribution links is required. 1 May 2023. What's the definition of Moral backbone in thesaurus? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! WOMEN HUNTERS. Learn a new word every day. Synonyms for backboned in Free Thesaurus., espinada, espina dorsal, columna vertebral, rachis, pine dorsale, colonne vertbrale, meginsto, bein nefinu, uppistaa, hryggur, skapfesta, base, firmeza, coluna vertebral, espinha dorsal, espinha, , , , , , kraljenica, , kima, , hrptenjaa, .

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