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YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ACCESS ANY OF COMPANYS SERVICES FOR ANY REASON. Company does not guarantee that Donations will be used as DAMAGES, prevent abuse. He Jose H. Hernandez of Brownsville, TX, devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend, and great-grandfather Arturo Alejandro Garzafox Jr., 63, of Brownsville, TX, passed away on Sunday, April 16, 2023 at Valley Baptist Jesus Antonio Chuchis Nio, a 45-year-old talented artist, avid poet, and lover of classic cars, cats, and music 9/18/1963 4/12/2023 Visitation: Saturday, April 15, 2023 Sunset Memorial Funeral Home 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m Zulema Torres, 87, of Brownsville, Texas, devoted mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend Juana Maria Gonzalez, 60, of Brownsville, Texas, devoted mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, and friend entered Martha Elena Lopez Lopez, 40, of Brownsville, Texas, devoted mother, sister, and friend entered into eternal rest on Lonnie Charles Leach Jr., 69, of Arlington, Texas, devoted husband, son, father, brother, grandfather, and friend Mireille Knsel de Varela, 87, devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, entered eternal rest on April 5, 2023 Federico Cortez Jr., 76, of Olmito, Texas, devoted husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, and Enrique Jose Ramirez 10/9/1954 3/31/2023 Visitation: Monday, April 3, 2023 Sunset Memorial Funeral Home 1:00 p.m Werner Opa J. Dramberger of Brownsville Texas, devoted husband, father, grandfather Maria Luisa Licha Villarreal Meehan of Brownsville, TX, devoted wife, aunt, sister, and friend entered into Ernestina Zamora, 66, of Brownsville, Texas mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend entered into eternal Sunset Memorial 2023 All Rights Reserved. and that certain information about use of the Services may be communicated to us. or by writing to the Notice Address. for more information on the ways that we may collect, use, and store certain information about you and your use For Sensitive Personal Information (when applicable), Company will give you the opportunity to M.B. Certain information you provide to Company may be shared by using the Sites search function. Please read this Privacy Kilmer Funeral Home- Argyle 123 Main Street Argyle, NY 12809 Authorized family members can securely access their loved one's memorial website settings at any time. use of the Services, Email: [email protected]. Personal Information may well be one of the transferred assets. the Site. if it has a good faith belief that the law requires such a response. All Donations are made voluntarily 2.9% AND $0.30 per donation for VISA, EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE, Notice of These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the Book Of Memories websites (the "Website") mobile device If it is not obvious that Company is collecting or using such information, it will disclose its collection to with you regarding Company and other entities by SMS, MMS, text message or other electronic means to your Unless stated otherwise, Companys current Policy applies to all information that Company has about

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