jira smart values link to issue

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{{attachment.author}}: Returnsthe user who added the attachment. Consume the parent/child relationships changes from the jira:issue_updated events changelog. Smart values enhance your ability to access and edit data using your automation rules. {{fieldChange.from}}- Returns the previous raw value, e.g. This email could even be formatted into a proper HTML Table or include additional information. Use the slash command to find and add page enhancements quickly. An example Automation Rule to achieve this would be the following. Next, please use the steps in this how-to article to confirm the correct smart values for what you need:https://confluence.atlassian.com/automation/find-the-smart-value-for-a-field-993924665.html. Used with: any triggers that edit an issue. The Lookup Objects Action will return objects where the AQL's conditions are met. For example, to see all pages and attachments with the documentation label, type labelText:documentation into the search bar. {{deletedFieldChange.valueIds}} - Returns the id/ids of value/values deleted. Id like to test that our app works fine and not just hope that the implementations hopefully match on 31 May 2022. This could be dynamic, since the Send Email Action's To: Field can use Smart Values, such as if the Rule were Triggered by being Executed from an Issue: The Body of the Email in the above rule is one way to format the information. @Kian Stack Mumo Systems this is great, is there a way to do this with is blocked by though? Learn more about user smart values, {{approval.completedDate}} - Returns completion date of approval. So, Epic Name becomes useless, too (at least for our use case). if both Epic Link and Parent fields are visible). {{issue.fixVersions.name}} - Returns the name of the fix version. Do more to earn more! Learn more about date and time smart values. However once you complete the smart value it will show . Create and configure Jira automation rules, Branch automation rules to perform actions on related issues, Issue data (Automation format) payload for Send Web Request, Issue data (Jira format) payload for Send Web Request action, Limitations in team-managed projects for automation rules, Permissions required for Jira Cloud automation rules, Test a Jira automation rule using the Manual trigger, Transfer Jira automation rules from one user to another, Differences between Automation in Jira Server and Jira Cloud, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using smart values with text strings, Use Jira automation rules to modify issues, Convert wiki markup to HTML or plain text in Jira automation, Move an issue to another project using automation, Learn how to use these to interact with Jiras REST API.

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