how to get to bastion from stormwind

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The tooltip of The Houndmasters Stratagem has been updated to the following Dreadbite causes the target to take 20% additional Shadowflame damage from your spells and abilities for the next 12 seconds. Unrelenting damage bonus reduced to 5% per stack (was 10%). Dagger in the Dark (PvP Talent) has been redesigned Each second while Stealth is active, nearby enemies within 12 yards take an additional 2% damage from you for 10 seconds. Upload or insert images from URL. Cleansing Waters (PvP Talent) has been removed. Removing any of these afflictions or restoring the soul to full health causes it to despawn. Gashtooth will now sharpen her knife and laugh at her target as they stumble around when blinded by Decayed Senses (was attack her blinded targets). New PvP Talent: Ethereal Blink Blink and Shimmer apply Slow at 100% effectiveness to all enemies you Blink through. Ertan now casts her abilities in a different order. Sticky Tar (PvP Talent) has been removed. Progress through the Bastion Campaign quest line. Moonfire damage with Lunar Inspiration increased by 13%. Shadowed Belt Clasp now provides 25% more Stamina. Fixed an issue with Gargoyle stutter casting when the cast time of Gargoyle Strike was lower than 1 second. Eye Beam damage increased by 16% in PvP combat. Cat Form Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim deal 60% additional damage and generate 60 Astral Power when cast with 5 combo points. Veil of Midnight (PvP Talent) has been redesigned Now causes Cloak of Shadows to remove harmful physical effects and increases dodge chance by 100%. Deathspeaker chance to reset the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death increased by 50%. Dispatch damage increased by 20% in PvP combat (was 15%). Vault of the Incarnates 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted Touch the Cosmos now reduces the Astral Power cost of your first Starsurge or Starfall after entering Eclipse by 5 and increases its damage by 20% (was free and 35% increased damage). Where are you that you cant get to Stormwind? World of Flames (PvP Talent) has been redesigned Empower Flamestrike, dealing up to 200% more damage based on enemies distance to the center of Flamestrike. Great Vault raid slot rewards have been adjusted Defeating a raid boss unlocks their loot table and now also unlocks earlier raid boss loot tables for the Great Vaults total pool of items on that difficulty. There, you'll find a portal to take you back to Stormwind. Swoop Up range increased to 25 yards (was 20 yards). Mastery: Main Gauche damage increased by 5% in PvP combat. It is now located on a choice node with Burst of Life on the Mistweaver specialization tree. Shadowlands to Stormwind Portal Location WoW - YouTube zergnet.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? New Talent: Thrashing Claws Shred damage is increased by 5% to bleeding targets and Shred and Swipe apply the Bleed damage over time from Thrash. Fixed an issue that caused Overgrowth to cast the incorrect version of Lifebloom if using the Undergrowth talent. Does not apply to damage from Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch. How to get to Stormwind from Shadowlands | World of Warcraft GamePlay Guides How to get to Stormwind from Shadowlands Oribos is divided in 2 main floors Ring of Fates Ring of Transference The portal is located on Ring of Fates floor. This is a choice node with Stellar Flare. Moonkin Form Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge deal 30% additional damage and cause you to instantly generate 25 Rage after entering Bear Form.

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