The FiveM clothing packs are available for sale from our website. @6K-40-Rio i can't answer all your questions but you can extract textures from ytd or embedded in yft from OpenIV and use the texture toolkit or the rpf explorer. If you do any mistake, you are able Stores = {[1] = {shopType = 'clothing',-- clothing/barber/surgeon. It added 200 reserved slots for more clothes I belive. I wanted to change Peds clothes to a certain outfit. Import from existing cloth addon or replace mods like EUP with ease by selecting the target folder, Import the SQL file into your DBMS $ mysql > ./clothing_shop_SQL.sql 3. First go here and download your clothe we use Louis Vuitton polo pack: MP Male Louis Vuitton Polo Pack Install mods using Open IV. - Ex: /seat 1, /stickers : Add stickers to your vehicle (Request your own with. Thanks alot! /shirt on/off, /pants on/off, /shoes on/off - Implemented Suggestions How to stream custom clothes for your FiveM server! - YouTube I am the developer of the Durty Cloth Tool, Pleb Masters: Forge, Durty Map Editor and some more stuff on my public GitHub, my goal is to make the GTA 5 modding journey much more easier and efficient for everybody out there. Need help understanding: Clothing mods FiveM. At this point By streamlining your workflow, you can focus on creating the best GTA V cloth pack possible. Just test it out, its completely free! For cloth drawable textures you can simply use the up and down arrows to shift textures up or down in order, you will see letters in front of the path that indicate the position of your texture. /hidemapblip : Hide yourself on the map for other players with the same profession. When I get arrested and sent to jail the outfit in my server is ridiculous. To modify textures you need imaging software that handles dds natively or with a plugin. It replaced all the textures with the EMS/Fire Department textures but no longer had the highway patrol texture.