You would only need to obtain a marriage license for the former. You can obtain a license by calling your local circuit court or searching their website for details on how to obtain a marriage licence. You can obtain a marriage license by submitting a marriage license application at the Fayette County Clerk's office, located at 162 E. Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. This means you must hold your ceremony before the license expires. Requirements Both must be 18 years old or older (if either party is under 18, please see requirements below) There is no waiting period, blood test or physical requirement. Your marriage must take place in Kentucky when you get a KY marriage license. It was our wedding day, after all.. This means there's no waiting period. Thank you much! For tips on enjoying the ceremony, inviting guests, and handling photography, read on! The cost to get married at the courthouse is anywhere between $25 and $100. There are no residency requirements or licensing requirements applicable to ministers or priests who wish to perform marriages in Kentucky. So youve been with your partner for a long time. Marriage License Frequently Asked Questions - Jefferson County Clerk The officiant had vows prepared, but youre allowed to say your own vows if youd like. If you were previously married, you will need to provide the end date of marriage in some form, whether it be the divorce decree, death certificate, etc. ", "Waiting period was helpful. This means you may have to wait in line in order to get married at the court. 3, to set up an appointment first if you already know the date of marriage and who is performing your ceremony. Marriage licenses are issued in the county clerk's office in each Kentucky county. See latest map April 30, 2023 7:00 AM . This article has been viewed 95,201 times. If widowed, your late spouse's death certificate will not be requested. either party belongs to the society. This applies to people who are under 18, but over 16, years old.
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