That did it for me. Plus, Im getting married next year and dont want to deal with weight gain or a scar. Sinai Hospital in New York and my surgeon was excellent! Ive always been an active person and after surgery I just cant do anything like I used to. No I have medrol pack before due to asthma but not post op. And even when I know Im about to be mean and snappy I cant help but continue with the attitude. Has anyone had both surgeries at once? Your incision will be closed with stitches or surgical glue and covered with a bandage. What was your diagnosis in the ER and how long to overcome the symptoms? It was great to read such encouraging story, but mine has been a little bit of roller coaster. so i did & they did a FNA wich was done thru some company Afirma $6,500! Youll probably have a blood test 4-6 weeks out to see if things are normal hormone-wise. My question is: how long does it take for your body to adjust to only having half a thyroid? There is a slight fullness sensation on my right ear though, Im not sure whether orhers do have the same experience. I also read a lot of horror stories so thank you everyone for writing your experiences. It was about 5.5cm based on my last reading but yesterday the doctor said it had extended behind the collarbone. Im nervous but Im trying to get as much information as possible in order to make a good decision that I can feel good about. FOIA I do agree it is not as bad as it may seem. Thank you for your post and all the comments. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also, you need to be careful to not stretch your neck for about a week so no driving. As far as the scar, it's not that visible anymore and I also have a "adams apple" like appearance above the scarand i'm sure that it's due to the "surgery", the area that was surgically cut and also not having a thyroid. has anyone had the experience of planning to do a partial, but winding up with a full thyroidectomy due to findings during the surgery? My symptoms were nausea, sweats, and some heightened anxiety. I had the hemi-thyroidectomy last September. What I can say is that my doctor only put 2 weeks physical restrictions on me (no bending, stretching your neck, heavy lifting). You will feel such a huge sense of relief once the procedure is over so look forward to that. I had the right half of my thyroid removed on 04/10/16 due to a Hurthle Cell Adenoma. Just wondering how long before you started yoga or exercise again? The nodules do not have to be massive to put a significant amount of pressure on vocal chords and throat and can be extremely uncomfortable to swallow and in extreme cases can even put pressure on your airway. I find it a little odd that your doctor doesnt want to test for again for another year. Im not sure if this is a side effect of the surgery? I just had my surgery in January and it was as though you were taking the words right out of my mouth. Most likely the remaining half of your thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone for your needs, thus the symptoms you are having. Im very nervous about this surgery on Monday, so any tips I need to know would be appreciated! I because really tired so was glad to have a second recovery week. 2006 Dec 15;94(8):701-7. doi: 10.1002/jso.20695. Also, how long was your surgery ? It is time to take it out. Having a conservative Endo and supportive wife helped. Thanks so much for posting your experience. I only used for about a month and I cant see or feel the scar! I'm always tired I did laundry for the first time yesterday and I felt dizzy and very tired. I have a solid nodule 1cm only. They do another ultrasound that shows the once concerning 2.5 cm nodule is now 0.6 cm so they think it was cystic. I had a partial thyroidectomy on 8th March 2016 I was up and walking about within 1 hour ,i stayed in hospital overnight apart from a lot of swelling on my neck and it overhanging my scar Ive also got a hard swelling across the scar, I am at the hospital on 28th March for results I had 3 fine needle biopsies which all came back inconclusive so surgery was the only option anyone worried about the operation its been really easy for me.
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