fallout new vegas female presets

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Is there any preset or mod out there to make a character not look goofy ? Ok, the game is quite old, theres tons of mods but I kinda feel lost about all that body type stuff talkign with mods. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Chessica Magnum of NCR - Politician and Bounty Hunter Companion, UPDATED Ghostdancers Kindred of the Mojave (vampire mod) (patched to the best of my abilities), Wasteland Wendy - The Ultimate Shopping Companion, load first because most hair models are from here. Some more hairstyles would be nice too but I can manage without. Originally posted by raubrey: Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34791, https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51829, https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65200. Big red exclamation marks fix? :: Fallout: New Vegas General Discussions My brethren. -Beware of the Girl Type 3 Body Replacer: Is ok but arms on female characters are thin, like too thin! deathsmiles 12 years ago #6. It wasn't too hard, I just kept most sliders near the center. nottingham crown court; jays mobile home sales middlesboro, ky; louisiana land and exploration hunting lease; Servicios Contables. Then edit just the chin to bring it down to max, since it's too small in the preset. Caelan and Roy - Two characters face presets Two simple saves for a female char and a male one. Just edit the nose a little and it looks good. Cookie Notice FOr male's, there are much less options, naturally, and AFAIK Robert's Male Bodies is still the only decent choice. Anyone got some good vanilla female character designs for Fallout 4? 4 comments. I dont use either. Privacy Policy. #1. talgaby Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:26pm. 10. r/FalloutMods [FO4] The most outrageous thing in Thuggysmurf's mods might be their article on lore friendliness. All rights reserved. too busy mashin deathclaws with my russian craftswoman, I guess. They're might be a few more options. I have NVSE, UIO and the OWB DLC and I have been modding for a . Mary Jane Outfit Replacer. Valve Corporation. You can create all of the following: awful white chick, black skinned chick with a white woman's features, kinda sorta maybe asian chick, white man who's always 40 some years old, black man with white man's features and not quite black man's skin color, and asian man who looks nothing like an asian. too busy mashin deathclaws with my russian craftswoman, I guess. Also, you can use many of the in-game NPCs as character presets. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ok thx so far, the Roberts male bodies looks good and isn't too extreme like that strangr hairy one or steroid other one I found.

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