Where else may anyone get that type of info in such a perfect way of writing? Client certificate is installed on client machine, Machine: CGSURFXXXXX ClientIDManagerStartup 23/08/2021 14:39:22 13588 (0x3514) Client is set to use HTTPS when available. Allow clients to find an NLB management point. We requested the certificate in the CA server and imported it into the workgroup computer. If you have any other issues, please don't hesitate to let us know. Any other ideas? Please refer to these following screenshot: Besides, we could reinstall the client on one client, kindly specify SMSMP and SMSSITE on the command line. Right-click on your DNS server in the SERVERS pane and select DNS Manager from the context menu. ccmsetup.exe /mp:https://ABCCMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/XXXXX59403XXXXX CCMHOSTNAME=ABCCMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/XXXXX59403XXXXX SMSSITECODE=TTP SMSMP=https://SCCM01.ABC.COM AADTENANTID=XXXXXXX AADCLIENTAPPID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX AADRESOURCEURI=https://INABC-cg-configmgrservice, Token Based command line - No lookup MP(s) from DNS LocationServices 23/08/2021 14:39:33 14956 (0x3A6C) Attempting to retrieve default management points from DNS LocationServices 23/08/2021 14:39:33 14956 (0x3A6C) Then we tried to manually install the client using this .bat file: But after completing the installation, the client could not get the site code and we can't type anything after clicking "Configure settings" in the "Configuration Manager"'s "Site" tab to input the site code manually. ]. I mean, on this way the machine will have communication with the SCCM primary site and assign the MP? lookup. Are you using the RESETKEYINFORMATION=TRUE and SMSSITECODE=