In a post-pandemic world, the church, in the words of Mark Twain, may need to declare, The rumors of my death are grossly exaggerated.. There is more openness now than ever before, Hall said. Do you need to devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? As you know, we can use any of these ideas at any time. Death has lost its bite and Satan has lost his teeth. I just think, in a God-ordained way, if my sister hadnt died our team wouldnt have pivoted and put on this program.. Ideas. Our churches must be willing to take risks and prepare for what lies ahead. They risked their lives to care even for non-Christians, demonstrating radical biblical values quite unknown in Roman culture of their day. It has become a ghost town: churches have been shut down, businesses have been shut down, restaurants are closed, families are separated from one another, friends cant gather anymore. Georgia Baptist Journal, Church Strengthening, Georgia Baptist Journal, Church Strengthening, Collegiate Ministry. Want to share a story? Evangelistic Movements: An Outcome-Based Analysis. Hebrews 2:14,15. In the history of Christianity, when things are hard, those are the best times for the Church. The cure is found in the person and work of the Lord Jesus, through his amazing grace. Many pastors are asking how to be on mission as traditional avenues of face-to-face outreach and serving are no longer viable. At all times, especially during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it is comforting to hear Gods enduring words found in Scripture. As 2 Corinthians 5:8 reminds us,"to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." The risk worth taking is one that is bold enough to confront the spiritual and eternal danger others are already in. Practical considerations and recommendations for religious - WHO Rather than conversion being thought of merely as an introduction to Jesus, salvation language will employ multiple expressions that describe a re-orientation to following Jesus and holistically adopting the Jesus way of life. Greg Stier is the Founder and President of Dare 2 Share Ministries International. He has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Christian teenagers through Dare 2 Share events, motivating and mobilizing them to reach their generation for Christ. In such a challenging time, the world needs bold and compassionate examples of believers serving so that others around us see our good works and will be pointed towards Christ. No doubt we can all identify at least one unsaved person whom we can engage with the gospel. Healthy post-pandemic churches will welcome honest inquiry and dialogue. Learn the basics of what Christians believe. Gathering together is the best way to get out the message and be heard. The Bible says, Gods near. Persons of Peace in their community, who know the young church plant genuinely cares about people, are passing on the names of needy families. Regardless, with the vaccine widely available, many are relieved that restrictions are less necessary, opening doors to in-person interaction again. Bought a Bible with super giant print for a non-Christian neighbor who we offered to read the Bible with. He answers. Evangelism in a Time of Social Distancing. Swap contact information and start making plans to throw a big block party when social separation ends. 4 Ways to Rebuild the Church After COVID-19 Celebrate grace. Unbelievers should fear thoughand we should fear for them. He hears. We may never have a more opportune time to proclaim the good news of Jesus. The more your heart is directed toward gratitude, the more youre counting your blessings; the less, at those moments, your mind is running to fear and rehearsing the what-ifs.