edinburgh napier university head of marketing

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if (studentLink != undefined) { display: block !important; .page-node-8866 .layout--onecol .layout__region--content .block-views-blockoverview-block-8 .social-media-section, .apl-class-time-table .view-footer { } var bodyHeight = jQuery('body').height(); Specialties include corporate communications, marketing, social media, branding and identity management, publications, web content, proof-reading,. var currentDiv = $(".student-sharing-sidebar-container").find('[href="#' + id + '"]'); } if (sTop >= (offset - 200) && sTop < offset + studentheight) { .page-view-search-erb-courses.path-search-erb-courses .search-erb-courses-section .form-row .form-item-field-chinese-study-mode{ }); Lecturer in Research Methods for Business Management - Full time, Permanent. She has almost 20 years of experience leading and developing work on careers and employability in higher education. .page-node-9096 .view-id-erb_course_table table tr td:nth-child(8){ student_sticky_navigation(); .apl-class-time-table .apl-table-fourth{ .path-search-programmes .view-search-programmes .views-table td.views-field-field-study-mode-programme, } .page-node-7266 .node--type-overview .field--name-field-banner-title{ The Head of Marketing role is a key role within the University. } .youtube-iframe embed { Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes: The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number list-style-type: disc; The Business School is one of the largest and modern Business Schools in Scotlandwith more than 8,500 students. Our undergraduate courses have the opportunity to study abroad as part of the programme. She is the link consultant for the School of Physics and Astronomy. .page-node-9196 .block-views-exposed-filter-blocksearch-programmes-page-3 input#edit-reset--2{ naar } currentId = idstring[idstring.length - 1]; service to all our audiences by delivering communications, marketing partnerships } Current responsibilities include maintaining and developing information resources for the Banking and Finance, IT, Healthcare, Retail and Hospitality sectors. .apl-class-time-table .view-header h5 { text-align: center; Gavin works Monday-Thursday and is based at the Main Library Building. Napier Technical College, the predecessor of the university, was founded in 1964, taking its name from 16th-century Scottish mathematician and philosopher John Napier. audiences with our extraordinary work. strategy across 4 teams that drives awareness, engagement and advocacy for the He is also leading on internationalisation in the Service. font-size: 18px !important; My role is to inform the University's support for students' employability. text-align: center; 1 in the UK for value-added (The Guardian). if (curId == 1) { The Business School has been working with SCOPE at City University of Hong Kong since 1997, providing learning opportunities for students in Hong Kong to articulate from their associate degree and diploma programmes onto a number of our honours degree and degree programmes. .node--type-erb-course-tables .block-field-blocknodeerb-course-tablesfield-programme-banner-image{ } om ons te informeren over dit probleem. Marketing & Communications - Edinburgh Napier University .page-view-search-programmes .search-courses-section{

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