corn pop was a bad dude transcript

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Biden recounts harrowing incident with gang leader named 'Corn Pop'. Tape has recently surfaced from two years ago, Biden bragging about a standoff he once had with a gangster called "corn pop." BIDEN: And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, he folded it up and he said, "You walk out with that chain and you walk to the car," and he said, "You may cut me man, but I'm going to wrap this chain around your head." Remember this? CARLSON: Well, Joe Biden was a United States Senator for nearly 40 years and he was Vice President of the United States for eight years after that, surrounded by armed security the entire time and yet, the amazing thing is, Joe Biden has had more close calls with his life with physical danger than your average cinematic action hero. And so being dependent upon the Saudis for energy is crazy. Corn Pop was a bad dude : r/copypasta - Reddit So the story comes out on Sunday -- yesterday. She was clearly --. JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: And do you believe then that he is essentially a sexual predator or that he was at some point? New evidence? Kamala Harris hand wave becomes relatable reaction GIF, Elizabeth Warrens plan for everything is now a meme. However, Michael Harriot is a writer for the Root. And then, most notably, there's the alliance between the Obama's and Netflix. CARLSON: And in this country, if you're a victim and an adult, you can say so and if you don't say so, then I'm sorry, we're not going to punish the perpetrator. CARLSON: You can't even buy it. 81 page of illustrations for adults to mock Joe Biden. I think there are lots of, you know, gun reforms that we can have. Her work has appeared in the Austin Chronicle and the Daily Texan. Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47 CARLSON: Well, people were shocked, but within a year or two, mark our words, Beto's position will be mandatory for every Democrat running for office. Home going services will be held at Mother UAME Church 701 E 5th street on Saturday Dec. 10th. Biden Tells The Tale Of The Time He Took On A 'Bad Dude' Named 'Corn Pop' I don't quite -- and everyone in Washington loves the Saudis. Netflix He told him to get off the board or he would have to drag him off. He also called him Esther, a reference to Esther Williams. With the "Corn Pop" story making its rounds globally. by gjkozy. Then he jumps to telling us that Corn Pop was a "bad dude" who "ran bad boys . But again, these people who are running for President with the goal of making all of that illegal by 2030. WHITE: Netflix promotes it as a great thing, as a great advance for the Obama's, and a message from them to the American people. CARLSON: And I agree with you. 's position, ridiculous and said they, quote, " want to keep the information of their failures secret.". I was in high school when the first Gulf War broke out, "no blood for oil." And then the newspaper itself admits in effect that the story is a crock, actually. We also saw that with Senator Whitehouse when he filed that amicus brief talking about, you know, look, the court better heal itself or there's going to be a restructuring. So I walked out with the chain. Robin Pogrebin, one of the reporters is a classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's, and I think that's hugely important, because that's something that wasn't disclosed in this excerpt from their book, and yet, it's the whole reason for the story.

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