It may be useful to highlight differences in how the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts answer four important questions about environmental regulation. Focus on balancing cost and health . As we approach the formal 50 th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA) next month, the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA), which represents state clean water regulatory agencies, has partnered with EPA's Office of Water to create a " Clean Water Act Success Stories Map ." Our interpretation is that once the Clean Water Act began, cities became less likely to spend municipal funds on wastewater treatment capital. Online Appendix E.2 investigates heterogeneity in grants effects on water pollution and cost-effectiveness. What are pros and cons of the clean water act? - Answers RFF is committed to being the most widely trusted source of research insights and policy solutions leading to a healthy environment and a thriving economy. Another test comes from the fact that the 19802000 gross rent data reported in the census include utilities costs. The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022 (Proposition 1) will provide $4.2 billion to projects across New York State that contribute to improving public health, increasing access to nature, and protecting people from deadly heat and flooding. Water quality improvement and resilient infrastructure Not less than $650 million (increased by $100 million over 2020 proposal) wastewater infrastructure projects municipal stormwater projects Municipal grants for stormwater with green infrastructure Agricultural nutrient pollution Harmful Algal Bloom abatement We find that by most measures, U.S. water pollution has declined since 1972, though some evidence suggests it may have declined at a faster rate before 1972. We considered a fourth repository, the Sustaining the Earths Watersheds: Agricultural Research Data System (STEWARDS), managed by the USDA. As in most event study analyses, only a subset of event study indicators are observed for all grants. Panel A estimates pass-through modestly above 1 since it excludes the required municipal copayment. Fourth, to obtain regression estimates for the average housing unit and provide an efficient response to heteroskedasticity, we include GLS weights proportional to the number of total housing units in the plant-year observation and to the sampling probability.17. Second, because the difference-in-differences specification used for home values does not use upstream areas as a counterfactual, it involves the stronger identifying assumption that areas with more and fewer grants would have had similar home price trends in the absence of the grants. It is interesting to consider possible explanations for these slowing trends. Alternatively, the most distant travelers might be marginal. This map assumes the same hedonic price function and reflects spatial heterogeneity in housing unit density.25 The map shows that the ratio of measured benefits to costs is larger in more populated counties. But because residents who live upstream of treatment plants can benefit from clean water downstream of treatment plants (e.g., by traveling for recreation), upstream homes could benefit from grants. Effects of Clean Water Act Grants on Water Pollution. Estimates without the basin year controls are more positive but also more sensitive to specification, which is one indication that the specification of equation (6) provides sharper identification. Grant costs include local and federal capital expenditures plus operating and maintenance costs over the 30-year life span for which we estimate grants affect water pollution. In the presence of such general equilibrium changes, our estimates could be interpreted as a lower bound on willingness to pay (Banzhaf 2015).
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