choking on liquids after thyroidectomy

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Choking feeling/tightness after thyroidectomy. I had my voice intact when I awoke in recovery, because the larynx nerves were stimulated during the procedure, and except for some slight difficulty swallowing ( I am now 5 1/2 weeks post . An insufficient or excessive dosage may result in hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, either one associated with a number of symptoms/complications. Contrast Media Mol Imaging. The diagnostic procedures described can help to identify the mechanisms involved in swallowing disorders, with the aim to choose the best therapeutic option. How long till the sore throat goes away? We found no correlation between dysphagia and patients' age, the specimen volume, and patients' body mass index (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.1, each). Using body mass index to predict optimal thyroid dosing after thyroidectomy, Thyroid Hormone Replacement in Patients Following Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Cancer. Most of literature regarding the LT4 dosage deals with the treatment of primary hypothyroidism, whereas only few studies handle the issue of thyroxine replacement after total thyroidectomy (16). The site is secure. Optimizing Levothyroxine Dose Adjustment After Thyroidectomy With a Decision Tree. For me, the right side compensated and stayed closer to center. Although significantly more patients found the tablet form more agreeable, subjective symptoms had decreased significantly at the end of the study, and 73% of patients requested to remain on the liquid formulation (29). For those of you who follow my blog, you may recall that last Thursday, January 7, was the date for my thyroidectomy. My nose didn't feel plugged up and no amount of blowing produced anything so I didn't think that could be an issue. Now I find it really hard to swallow food, sometimes even trying to drink is not that easy either! In a recent study, soft gel capsule and liquid formulations given during breakfast were compared for their effects on thyroid hormone profile. This review examined the literature involving hypothyroid patients who underwent a total or near-total thyroidectomy to understand the problems they generally encounter with their replacement therapy. ). I've had a bit of trouble swallowing since the surgery. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. It's not painful, but it's almost like something "clicks" into place when I swallow liquids. Theclubswinger230462 Sahli Z, Canner JK, Najjar O, Schneider EB, Prescott JD, Russell JO, Tufano RP, Zeiger MA, Mathur A. Laryngoscope. This hurts! I began with milkshakes - they had to be freezing cold for me to have full control over my swallow and one mouthful would take 5-7 swallows. Symptoms after thyroid surgery may include dysphagia, dysphonia, aspiration, choking, and even dyspnea (10) (11) (12)(13). We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Results. It's been about 24 hours and while I have had a relatively easy recovery, I'm starting to get. Conclusion: 8600 Rockville Pike I even went to a second doctor who put me through more tests as she was baffled too.

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