celebrities with rahu in 8th house

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De-emphasize things; concentrate more on relationships. First Understand the secrets of the 8th house and then I will explain how to associate with Rahu, and make the best out of that devil. When you are a Leo Lagna, then Rahu in the 8th house will be in the Pisces sign. The 8th house is also known for marital disharmony. And Rahu is a shadow, and in cinema, we only see the shadow. You can perform the Remedies for 8th house Rahu. You may need to release much that you previously considered to be important and meaningful, even though it has failed to give peace or happiness. And if any other planet is conjunct or aspecting, then it means, all these planets are associated with Rahu to give long-term illness. It also represents the fascination with foreign travel, technical professions among others. Rahu 4 is an emotional person - gets quickly offended - EGO is too much - such men are quarrelsome and often goes through multiple relationship breakups - and the most common thread to all his break-ups is the BIG FAT EGO. The 8th house also gives Nij Dosha, which means a person will face consequences due to self-generated issues. To know more about the placement of your Rahu, talk to our astrologers. Vijaynagar, Ghaziabad, The position of the Sun represents the purpose of life. Rahu in the 8th House indicates that one may die before ones spouse. He often displays an interest in the occult, through which he ultimately gains information needed to achieve his regenerative transformation. WhatsApp: +91-8178341336, Copyright 2017 - All Right Reserved - JupiterSpeaks. 29 Apr 2023 13:16:20 Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius, so in Jupiter Dasha, Rahu 8th house will draw the higher knowledge energy to some hidden or deep research-oriented subjects. If Moon is also in the 8th house along with Rahu, then an individual can face mental problems and disturbances. In extreme cases, trouble with the law; more often, simply trouble from atypical values. Now, this Rahu is in a watery sign of Pisces. Rahu in 8th House: What happens when Rahu who does not have a physical body, takes the most painful position in the horoscope. So considering those planets one should give donations regularly to needy people. Natives with Rahu in 8th house have secrets that they do not share even with their spouses. He or she tends to spend on the basis of emotional impulse rather than need, and is often careless or impractical with money. They lead him on a path of ultimate disgust with himself as well as with the physical and material life he has led for so long. They have an indifferent approach towards life. Also, any newborn baby with this placement will face health issues for some years. Acharya vinod kumar on Instagram: "Child Yog in Kundli When Will i Get Thus if we join all together the 8th house energy becomes very strong. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. Now if Rahu is in Saturn star which is the 6th lord, then it will give diseases related to Saturn. As you know 8th house in a horoscope depicts pain, struggle, obstacles, sickness, and surgery. Theyre. Rahu has no physical body, so it can make one greedy and obsessive related to 8th house things now if attention is on forbidden things then Rahu can give instability, restlessness, and sudden humiliations related to 8th house events. Appearances and physical beauty are not so important. Taurus Man: Complete Personality Decoded! Resisting the temptations of material life is probably needed to balance this, especially as you favor possessions and material acquisitions which appear to offer a surrogate sense of meaning. In Pisces, the 3 nakshatras are Purva Bhadrapada Jupiter, Uttarbhadrapada Saturn, and Revati Mercury. Theres a slight bit of friction between the couple that remains.

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