Benjamin Franklin Academy is hosting a series of informational meetings in surrounding towns throughout January and February, where families can hear more about the plan for the school. Driven by their desire to provide a choice in educational programs for their children, parents in Douglas County, Colorado, came together and created a vision for BFA in the winter and spring of 2010. BFHS FA Auditorium, BFHS FA Auditorium Stage, about BFHS Girls Soccer Team Wins 3A State Championship, about Favorite Charter School in the East Valley, about 4 BFHS Students Earned Honors from College Boards National Recognition Program, about Arizona Military Appreciation Month, about Elementary Band & Orchestra Festival (AUD), BFHS Girls Soccer Team Wins 3A State Championship, Favorite Charter School in the East Valley, 4 BFHS Students Earned Honors from College Boards National Recognition Program, Elementary Band & Orchestra Festival (AUD). We believe that a classical approach ensures that students will receive a well-rounded and rich educational experience. PDF APPENDIX B REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION - Arizona Additionally, the school will train the hearts of students . The mission of BFHS is to train students to be intellectually curious and pursue academic and moral excellence through the pursuit of what is good, true, and beautiful, to teach them how to think instead of what to think. %PDF-1.4 In addition to these features, BFA has an outdoor classroom, beautiful planter boxes for learning about gardening, a middle school commons, and a turf field on the playground. '"; endobj Shaneika Dabney-Henderson '96. Click on "Learn More" below. At Benjamin Franklin Charter School - Power, 70% of students scored at or above the proficient . About us. >> The link below connects to the person responsible for Public Records Requests (. //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLBBFCharterSchool-cm-012122,ph2'); Five related character traits are; respect, friendship, kindness and compassion, generosity (giving without expecting anything in return) and fairness. Location: New Orleans, LA Application Deadline: February 20, 2023. >> Benjamin Franklin High School is governed by Advocates for Academic Excellence in Education, Inc., a non-profit corporation. (Previous years Open Enrollment lists do not roll forward.) Please see our K-8 Enrollment webpage for additional information about the process. Character Education is about helping students know the good, love the good, and do the good. Five related character traits are; order or staying organized, courtesy and good manners, self-control, patience and obedience. We offer an enriching kindergarten program. endobj Such notices will indicate the date, time, and place of the meeting and will include an agenda. We are a kindergarten through eighth grade public, charter school that combines a challenging, sequenced curriculum with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) as well as Social-Emotional Learning and character education. CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information; Additional tools and resources; And more. FRANKLIN, MA 02038 . Our mission is to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children by providing students with a classical academic education coupled with sound character development and community service. Professional Information.
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