Additional information may be found in the program manual and the clinical training manual. Azusa Pacific University Reviews | GradReports This course focuses on the specific developmental issues, psychopathology, and therapeutic interventions relevant to the aging. This course is a companion course to PPSY701, Introduction to Clinical Practicum, to assist students during their first year of practicum and beyond. ). In the profession-wide competency of Individual and Cultural Diversity*, students will: An understanding of how their own personal/cultural history, attitudes, and biases may affect how they understand and interact with people different from themselves. Azusa Campus - Azusa Pacific University This course provides instruction and training in interventional strategies central to consultation assignments within organizational settings. This course covers specialized issues within family forensic psychology including conducting evaluations that are useful for making legal dispositions within the family court system. Furthermore, the student will be required to meet with their faculty advisor, the program director, and/or the Clinical Training Committee to determine a personal development plan. Preference is given to applicants who evidence strong academic credentials (e.g., high GPA) and financial need. The department chair (or designee) determines the roles and responsibilities of the TRAs. View our The PsyD is APA-accredited and also provides opportunities for teaching, consultation, and administration. Students explore how their own cultural, philosophical, theological, and/or spiritual tradition(s), implicit or explicit, inform and/or influence their understanding of human nature, development, illness, health, and change. Meet the Clinical Psychology PsyD faculty at Pacific University. *In addition to being a profession-wide competency, Diversity/Justice is a Special Emphasis in the APU PsyD program. students' clinical placement and supervision experiences as they receive clinical training at practicum sites. Welcome to Azusa Pacific University's Azusa Campus. Amanda Zora, PsyD - Licensed Psychologist - Borrego Health - LinkedIn Clinical training involves three years of practicum and a full-time, yearlong predoctoral internship (a limited number of two-year, half-time internships are available in some settings). Azusa Pacific University's clinical Psy.D. This course is required every semester students are at a practicum site, and successful completion of the practicum is required to receive credit for this course.
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